Life Cycle Management of Buildings and Structures in Industrial Facilities and Power Plants - ebook

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The VGB-Standard in hand, “Life Cycle Management of Buildings and Structures in Industrial Facilities and Power Plants”, follows the VDI Standard 6200 and the requirements described therein. The VGB-Standard clarifies and extends these requirements for application to structural works in industrial facilities and power plants.


In Germany there has always been a legal obligation to ensure the maintenance of structural works. This obligation is enshrined in the legislation of the German states (Landesbauordnungen, state building codes), but became the focus of public attention only after the collapse of an indoor ice rink in Bad Reichenhall in January 2006.

This major incident as well as previous instances of damage were then taken as occasion by the State Building Ministers’ Conference (ARGEBAU) to adopt “Hinweise für die Überprüfung der Standsicherheit von baulichen Anlagen durch den Eigentümer/Verfügungsberechtigten” (Instructions for inspection of the structural safety of buildings/structures by the owner or authorised representative), which subsequently were further developed by, inter alia, the standard VDI 6200 (Structural safety of buildings - Regular inspections) for evaluation of the structural safety of all buildings and structures based on classifications and methods for regular inspections.

The VGB-Standard in hand, “Life Cycle Management of Buildings and Structures in Industrial Facilities and Power Plants”, follows the VDI Standard 6200 and the requirements described therein. The VGB-Standard clarifies and extends these requirements for application to structural works in industrial facilities and power plants.

The standard pursues a comprehensive life cycle management approach, among other things with the aid of a process management system designed to document all aging mechanisms, from the planning and construction phase up to dismantling, in order to selectively and effectively prevent their harmful effects.

The VGB-Standard additionally contains detailed instructions and recommendations for carrying out and documenting regular inspections of buildings and structures.

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ISBN 978-3-96284-132-4
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