Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants - ebook
vgbe energy e.V. hereby presents a revised version of the VGB-Standard VGB-S-010 for "Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants". This revised vgbe-Standard replaces the former edition 2011.
This vgbe-Standard is available in German and English./Dieser vgbe-Standard liegt in Deutscher und Englischer Sprache vor.
- Free download (excerpt)
- VGBE-S-104-00-2023-01-EN (Excerpt)
vgbe energy e.V. hereby presents a revised version of the VGB-Standard VGB-S-010 for "Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants". This revised vgbe-Standard replaces the former edition 2011.
The present vgbe-Standard summarises the latest and updated experiences gained within water-steam chemistry worldwide and is the work of an international task group organized by the vgbe Technical Committee “Chemistry and Emission Control” (CEC).
This task group identified and agreed on more than 80 single topics to be revised, or to be rewritten for further precision or also to be integrated as new/additional information in order to deliver the most actual information, state of the art and recent technical developments.
As a significant amount of detailed background information and explanations are given here, this standard is certainly much more what is commonly expected or understood from a typical standard. Therefore, we encourage to read this standard very detailed and carefully as this will also help to gain the necessary deeper and better understanding of this complex topic called “water steam cycle chemistry”. Reducing this standard to a set of simple tables with limit values and action levels only, is neither possible, nor appropriate.
It needs to be emphasized again, that this standard is also valid and applicable for any kind of industrial power plants with process steam production for all pressure ranges.
The reader should be aware, that this standard covers all pressure ranges applied to boilers generating heat, steam and/or electricity. In general, the standard covers steady state/full load operation of those boilers as well as start-up and flexible/cycling operation mode. This concept allows a quite flexible approach to combine requirements of the materials used throughout the water-steam cycle with economical needs of the plant operator.
It should be pointed out that this standard does not deliver absolute limiting values of chemical parameters but prefers to demonstrate reasonable areas of permissible operation ranges in respect to a minimal corrosion within the water-steam cycle to reach an optimised lifetime of the plant. Plant specific agreements on various parameters may supplement these guidelines.
150 p., 46 Fig., 24 Tab. (2023)
This vgbe-Standard is available in German and English. Dieser vgbe-Standard liegt in Deutscher und Englischer Sprache vor.
978-3-96284-329-8 (print, English)
978-3-96284-330-4 (ebook, English)
978-3-96284-327-4 (print, German)
978-3-96284-328-1 (ebook, German)
ehem. Bestell-Kennz. | VGB-S-010-T-00;2011-12.EN |
ISBN | 978-3-96284-330-4 |