Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Structures - Part 1 to Part 3 (2023), and Part 4 (2018) [free of charge] - ebook

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Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Structures - Part 1: General. Part 2: Requirements for Corrosion Protection Systems. Part 3: Application of Coating Systems. Part 4: Cathodic Protection (CP)

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The growing number of wind turbines in Europe and around the world presents operators with new challenges. In order to reduce installation and operating costs and increase operational safety, a coordinated and joint analysis of operational experience is essential. In addition to the exchange of information and experience, the main objective of the participating companies is to promote standardization (best practice). To this end, VGB PowerTech e.V. (vgbe energy e.V. since April 2022) and the German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW; Bun-desanstalt für Wasserbau) decided in 2013 to jointly develop a VGB/BAW standard for the corrosion protection of offshore structures (e.g. offshore structures). The first part of the initial edition was published in 2016. Parts 2 to 4 followed by 2018. With the publication of this edition, parts 1 to 3 are available in a revised version.

The aim of this standard is to take account of the high capital expenditure required for offshore structures by using appropriate corrosion protection systems. Coating systems, for example, should protect the steel structures of offshore facilities from corrosion damage for at least 25 years during their service life without the need for costly repairs. Robust systems are therefore required which, with calculable capital expenditure (CAPEX), keep operational expenditure (OPEX) at a predictable and low level in the long term. In addition, repairs at sea have a significantly higher cost factor compared to onshore repairs.

In order to ensure effective corrosion protection of steel structures, owners of such structures, planners, consultants, companies carrying out corrosion protection work, inspectors of protective coatings and manufacturers of coating materials need to have at their disposal state-of-the-art information in concise form on corrosion protection by paint systems. It is vital that such information is as complete as possible, unambiguous and easily understandable to avoid difficulties and misunderstand-ings between the parties concerned with the practical implementation of protection work.

VGBE/BAW-Standard VGBE-S-021 with parts 1 to 3, published in May 2023, replaces parts 1 to 3, April 2018; VGB-S-021-04-2018-07-EN, published in July 2018 is still the current issue:

  • VGBE-S-021-01-2023-05-EN, Part 1: General, 2023
  • VGBE-S-021-02-2023-05-EN, Part 2: Requirements for Corrosion Protection Systems, 2023
  • VGBE-S-021-03-2023-05-EN, Part 3: Application of Coating Systems, 2023
  • VGB-S-021-04-2018-07-EN, Part 4: Cathodic Protection (CP), 2018

If anything is unclear, the German version is the reference version.

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